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Healthy shopping


One of the many things I love being a qualified nutritionist is that I can take relatively complex and scientific concepts  pass them on to my clients so that they can use them in their daily lives.

The supermarket can easily be seen as a classroom for learning and the kitchens as laboratories where one can practice with the new knowledge acquired.

I find one of the best ways to educate my patients is to take them out of my office and teach them what nutrition is in the real world. Supermarket tours are the perfect opportunity to make this a reality.

Have you ever wished you could have a nutritionist who can explain which products are healthier than others while you shop at the supermarket?

Would you like to learn how to read the labels and know for sure if what you are buying is the best thing for your health?

Spesa salutare

Guided tours for a healthy shopping


The supermarket tour is an educational service in which Sara proposes to meet the customer outside her studio in a real supermarket.

You will meet in a supermarket in Novara or Borgomanero and he will show you how to do a healthy shopping, department after department.

This is a perfect opportunity to share his favorite products with you, introduce you to new foods and teach you little tricks of the trade that can simplify and improve your life.

It is a fantastic opportunity to practice everything you discuss in your sessions.

It is a service that even groups of people can join, however the ideal would be to focus on a single patient or a single family so that Sara can put all her energy and focus on your / your specific needs in order to identify the products. that are best for you / yours.

It takes little time to learn how to do a healthy shopping


A tour usually lasts around 60 minutes .
The best thing to do is to use this service later  after having already had at least one first appointment  with Sara.

Dr. D'Imperio believes that this is the best approach to approach this service. The first nutritional consultation, online or in your Novara office,  allows you to get to know each other and understand what your needs may be in terms of health, preferences and allergies. In this way he will be able to prepare the tour in the best way, which can be as useful as possible in your specific case .

Tours del supermercato

At the supermarket with a qualified nutritionist


A guided supermarket tour with Sara can change the quality of your shopping and your health!

Sara, a nutrition biologist in Novara, will show you what to buy, why certain products are more nutritious than others, and which foods are best for you based on your medical history, preferences and allergies.

By shopping with a qualified nutritionist by your side, you will learn:

  • How to choose the healthiest and most nutritious foods

  • Juggling the various departments of the supermarket 

  • How to decipher the nutritional values of labels in order to choose the healthiest options

  • Understand the difference and truthfulness of certain advertisements such as "100% natural" and "organic"

  • Find products that will help your immune system and that can help improve your particular health condition

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Dr. Sara D'Imperio

Sara D'Imperio as a qualified nutritionist biologist helps clients in the area of Novara, Borgomanero and its province to live life

in a healthier way. In addition to his doctorate in biochemistry, he obtained two masters in nutrition.

Provides nutritional advice for:


  • Children 

  • Families

  • Adults


 To make an appointment with Sara, contact her online or call her +393457404660     

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