Diet Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Our thyroid is heavily affected by what we eat . Poor nutrition and an unregulated diet not only hinder the proper functioning of the thyroid but can also interfere with the medications recommended by your endocrinologist.
It often happens to receive patients who, despite having perfect exams, feel "grounded". They are not dreaming of it, far from it.

Studies have shown that a deficiency in selenium, potassium, iodine, copper, magnesium, zinc, iron, vitamins A, B, C and D can lead to the development of Hashimoto's thyroiditis (1).
Obviously, in most cases there is a genetic predisposition that can be evaluated with genetic testing targeted.
Sara as a specialized nutritionist biologist can advise you where to take these genetic tests in Novara and above all if they are necessary to develop even more targeted nutritional plans.
Furthermore, a dysbiosis of the gut microbiota can have negative effects on thyroid function
Initially, Hashimoto's thyroiditis is silent or at most has a slight swelling in the part of the throat, where the thyroid is located.
This disease progresses slowly over the years and causes chronic thyroid damage leading to a drop in thyroid hormone levels. The symptoms are the same as for hypothyroidism:
Fatigue and tiredness
Increased sensitivity to cold
Pale and dry skin
Swollen face
Brittle nails
Consistent hair loss
Unexplained weight gain
Muscle aches and weakness
Prolonged or excessive menstruation
Depression or sadness
Memory lapses
Thyroid and nutrition go hand in hand. A diet for Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be tailored for you by Dr. D'Imperio in her office in Novara or through her online service.
L'alimentazione ha un ruolo chiave nel controllo della candida. Gli alimenti che consumiamo possono influenzare direttamente l'ambiente intestinale, favorendo o inibendo la crescita di vari microrganismi, inclusa la candida. Una dieta ricca di zuccheri raffinati, per esempio, può offrire il terreno ideale per la proliferazione della candida.
Regime Alimentare Corretto
Un regime alimentare ben bilanciato e specificamente pensato per contrastare la candida si concentra su alimenti ricchi di nutrienti, poveri di zuccheri raffinati e privi di additivi e conservanti che possono aggravare la condizione. Questo tipo di dieta enfatizza il consumo di verdure fresche, proteine magre, cereali integrali e buone fonti di grassi come olio d'oliva e noci.
Alcuni Suggerimenti Pratici
• Candida, cibi da evitare: Al fine di mantenere la candida sotto controllo, è essenziale evitare o limitare il consumo di alimenti ricchi di zuccheri, lieviti e carboidrati raffinati.
• Candida, cosa mangiare a colazione: Una colazione equilibrata potrebbe includere yogurt naturale (senza zuccheri aggiunti) arricchito con semi di chia, frutti di bosco e un pizzico di noci tritate.
• Alimenti da evitare: Oltre ai cibi ricchi di zuccheri, è importante stare alla larga da bevande alcoliche, formaggi muffati e prodotti da forno con lieviti.
Mantenere l'equilibrio della flora intestinale è essenziale per la nostra salute generale e il benessere. Con una corretta alimentazione e attenzione alla dieta, è possibile gestire e controllare la candida, migliorando la qualità della vita.

As a qualified nutritionist in Novara, Sara is a deep advocate that eating right is everyone's right, fundamental for one's health and that everyone should have access to the best care and information.
Dr. D'Imperio believes that with the right guidance, everyone can undertake healthy eating habits to live their life to the full . Together with Sara you will work for:
Analyze your diet
Identify nutritional excesses and deficiencies
You will identify which foods you are most sensitive to and which ones can cause the most inflammation
Develop a highly personalized nutrition plan to support your thyroid health
Achieve a healthy weight and maintain it
Sara works with her patients to help them improve their relationship with food and understand how nutrition affects every aspect of their life. It will provide you with the knowledge you need so that you can:
Feel more energetic
Improve fertility
Feel more comfortable in food choices
Regain the shine of your hair and skin
Improve digestion
Feel good about yourself again

Some clinical trials have shown that the following diets have helped some people with Hashimoto:
Gluten free diet
Sugar free diet
Paleo diet
Grain-free diet
Dairy-free diet
Low glycemic index diet
While there is not yet a specific diet to treat all patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, it has been shown that diet and lifestyle play a fundamental role in improving quality of life and health.
Unfortunately, hormonal treatment is not enough to counteract the classic symptom of fatigue, for example. An individualized nutritional approach is therefore required.
Lifestyle and dietary changes can help reduce inflammation, slow or prevent thyroid damage, and manage body weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.
In fact, also due to this reason, many people who have symptoms are not given drugs unless they have altered hormone levels. Additionally, research suggests that inflammation may be a driving factor behind Hashimoto's wide range of symptoms. Inflammation is often related to diet.
Recent medical research has shown that there is a connection between forms of thyroiditis and celiac disease . Celiac disease has several symptoms in common, most notably with autoimmune thyroiditis.
In fact, it is very important to go to a specialist in order not to misdiagnose thyroiditis or celiac disease by mistake. The most frequent common symptoms are: constipation, diarrhea, cramps, bloating, nausea, reflux, gas, headache, fatigue.
Gluten-free diets remove all foods that contain gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and other grains.
Gluten is commonly found in pasta, bread, baked goods, beer, soups, and cereals. The best way to go gluten-free is to focus on foods that are naturally gluten-free, such as vegetables, fruits, lean meats, seafood, beans, legumes, nuts, and eggs.

People with Hashimoto's disease have an increased risk of developing autoimmune conditions, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes.
While there are no particular foods or supplements that are helpful for thyroid disease, a balanced meal plan can improve the health of people with thyroiditis.
Essential nutrients such as selenium, zinc and iron are critical for thyroid function.
For example selenium and zinc are required for the conversion of the hormone T4 (thyroxine) into T3 (triiodothyronine). Iron deficiency has also been linked to hypothyroidism, particularly Hashimoto's disease.
When iodine is lacking, the thyroid cannot produce sufficient levels of thyroid hormones , so iodine-rich foods are essential to ensure healthy hormone production.
Calcium, essential for our existence, can however interfere with the absorption of levothyroxine. So, if you are deficient in calcium, take it at least 4 hours after taking thyroid replacement hormone. Beware that if you are trying to lose weight and use low-fat (i.e. semi-skim or skimmed) milk, it remains high in calcium despite being lower in fat.
Another food that a person with hypothyroidism (including Hashimoto's) needs to look out for is soy. It interferes with the absorption of levothyroxine, decreasing its function. However, if you can't do it to me and you want to take soy, you should allow as much time as possible between taking hormone therapy and taking the soy food.
If you have thyroid disease, a healthy diet, exercise and stress reduction are important lifestyle factors for optimizing health and well-being.
In addition to being important to keep muscle mass active by exercising regularly and consuming a balanced diet with proteins​​ distributed throughout the day, it is also essential to know how to manage stress and get enough sleep.
Stress is one of the interferences that is created between thyroid gland and brain. A prolonged state of stress can have a more significant physical manifestation for those suffering from thyroid disease.
It is also important to eat a varied diet to ensure that we are consuming a range of nutrients, and to be careful about taking in substances that can further compromise our health.

Alcuni prodotti lattiero-caseari, specialmente quelli con aggiunta di zuccheri come alcuni yogurt aromatizzati, possono peggiorare la candida. Il formaggio muffato, come gorgonzola e roquefort, dovrebbe essere evitato a causa della presenza di muffe.

La nutrizione è un campo complesso e unico per ogni individuo. Ciò che funziona per una persona potrebbe non funzionare per un'altra, rendendo essenziale l'approccio personalizzato. La Dott.ssa Sara D'Imperio, con la sua vasta esperienza e formazione, offre un servizio di consulenza nutrizionale personalizzato per rispondere alle esigenze specifiche di ogni cliente.
Metodologia di Consulenza in Presenza e Online
Indipendentemente dal fatto che siate a Novara o in qualsiasi altra parte del territorio nazionale, la Dott.ssa D'Imperio garantisce la stessa qualità di servizio. La consulenza in presenza, presso il suo studio a Novara, permette un contatto diretto e un'analisi più approfondita, mentre la consulenza online offre flessibilità e comodità, ideale per chi ha impegni lavorativi o vive lontano.
Entrambe le modalità iniziano con una valutazione completa dell'anamnesi alimentare, abitudini di vita e obiettivi nutrizionali. Segue una fase di analisi dove vengono considerate eventuali problematiche di salute, preferenze alimentari e restrizioni dietetiche.
Vantaggi della Consulenza Personalizzata

Una dieta standard può offrire una guida generica, ma non tiene conto delle esigenze individuali. Ecco alcuni benefici chiave della consulenza nutrizionale personalizzata della Dott.ssa D'Imperio:
• Personalizzazione: Adattamento completo alle esigenze metaboliche, abitudini di vita, obiettivi di salute e preferenze alimentari del cliente.
• Flessibilità: Possibilità di apportare modifiche alla dieta in base ai feedback e ai progressi del cliente.
• Supporto Continuo: Follow-up regolari e supporto costante per risolvere dubbi e affrontare sfide nutrizionali.
• Educazione Nutrizionale: Fornitura di informazioni e risorse per aiutare il cliente a fare scelte alimentari informate e sostenibili nel tempo.
• Risultati Migliori e Duraturi: L'approccio personalizzato garantisce un percorso alimentare su misura, aumentando le probabilità di successo a lungo termine.
La consulenza nutrizionale personalizzata offerta dalla Dott.ssa Sara D'Imperio è molto più di una semplice dieta: è un percorso di scoperta, apprendimento e crescita personale nel mondo della nutrizione. Con un'attenzione particolare alle esigenze individuali e un profondo impegno nel fornire un servizio eccellente, la Dott.ssa D'Imperio rappresenta una scelta ideale per chiunque cerchi un approccio nutrizionale autentico e personalizzato.
Put into practice the nutritional plan developed by Dr. D'Imperio. You will have all the information you need to start living a healthier life

Many pass themselves off as nutritionists. But only a qualified nutritionist biologist who has undergone years of university study can be defined as such. Sara obtained her bachelor's degree from the University of Milan and her master's degree from the University of California at Irvine , concluding her studies with a doctorate in biochemistry and two Masters in Human nutrition . Dr. D'Imperio, researcher, biologist nutritionist enrolled in the register of Biologists Section A (AA_088365) keeps herself constantly updated by attending refresher courses so that she can provide her patients with the best possible nutritional advice.

Dr. Sara D'Imperio
Sara D'Imperio as a qualified nutritionist biologist helps clients in the Novara, Borgomanero and province areas to live life in a healthier way. In addition to his doctorate in biochemistry, he obtained two masters in nutrition.
Provides nutritional advice for: