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My philosophy on nutrition


Finding the right diet that fits your medical needs, your budget, your daily routine and your personal tastes may seem impossible, but nutritionist Sara D'Imperio is adamant that healthy eating habits can become enjoyable and bring huge benefits to your health.

Despite what commercials say, your new diet is not waiting for you in the "diet" department of your favorite bookstore or supermarket .
Only a qualified nutritionist who truly cares about the health of her clients can provide you with true guidance that can bring tangible long-term results. 
To guide her patients towards a healthier lifestyle, Sara works with individuals or families in Borgomanero , Novara and surroundings end online worldwide with the aim of developing personalized nutritional plans taking into account their medical history, daily routine, their preferences and their diet.

She is able to prepare tailor-made nutritional plans for pregnant women, diabetics, people with cardiovascular diseases such as  Brugada syndrome and other types of patients. 

Read on to learn more about her nutrition philosophy

Aggiornamento 27/9/2024: 

Cari pazienti, come molti di voi sanno, ho dato alla luce il mio bambino due mesi fa e sto ancora trascorrendo questo prezioso tempo in maternità. A partire dal 1° ottobre riprenderò le consulenze, ma esclusivamente online, per poter continuare a conciliare la mia nuova vita familiare con il mio lavoro. Vi ringrazio per la vostra comprensione e per il continuo supporto, e non vedo l’ora di accompagnarvi nel vostro percorso di benessere, anche se a distanza.

My approach
towards nutrition

Often the word diet is frightening because unfortunately it is associated with restriction, abstinence, unseasoned foods, farewell dinner with friends, hunger and sadness. 

You must know that in ancient Greek medicine the term diet instead meant the combination of nutrition, physical activity, rest, a fundamental lifestyle to follow for one's physical and mental well-being. The "feeling good" and being in shape does not derive only from eating healthy but the approach we have towards ourselves is fundamental.

We have to be honest with ourselves.

It's not okay to overeat on the weekend and then eat plain vegetables during the week. 

The diet is therefore not limitations, sacrifices and renunciations, but rather loving oneself and eating in a balanced way . We can afford dinner or a drink with friends without feeling guilty, but it doesn't have to be a daily habit. 

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Enough with dieting


Your journey to a healthy lifestyle can begin with a makeover of your pantry . Sara follows her patients in the process of purchasing fantastic, fresh and genuine ingredients that you can safely cook at home and transform into exquisite but above all healthy dishes. Think of it as a fantastic journey that ends with tons of fresh and tasty options.

Restyling your pantry can transform your kitchen cabinets from simple canned food containers filled with preservatives to a haven of fresh, wholesome ingredients .

In no time you will notice the huge difference that awareness of what you are buying can make to your health and that of your family!


You feel...


  • anxious or confused about food?

  • mortified every time you transgress with food?

  • always on a diet?


Do you want to learn to appreciate your body? Do you like the idea of living a healthy and balanced life? Then you're in the right place!


If you want to stop being obsessed with food and you want to stop saying "tomorrow I start the diet!" - I can help you!

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A new lifestyle for a new you

Whether you have a medical condition or just want to lose weight, Sara can help you set realistic goals while providing you with valuable advice on how to make lasting changes that will lead you to a healthier lifestyle.
To make an appointment, contact Sara online or call her studio in Novara at +393457404660 .
Sara is available as a nutrition biologist for individuals and families. 


Dr. Sara D'Imperio

Sara D'Imperio as a qualified nutritionist biologist helps clients in the area of Borgomanero, Novara and the province to live life in a healthier way.


In addition to his doctorate in biochemistry, he obtained two masters in nutrition.

Provides nutritional advice for:

  • Children 

  • Families

  • Adults

 To make an appointment with Sara, contact her online or call her +393457404660     

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Book a free 15-minute consultation to explore your nutrition goals! I'm excited to hear your story and work with you to create a diet plan that's tailored just for you. Book your introductory session today.

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